[Collection Thread] Zone, Server, Login Issues

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  • Sysadmin notified for Server issues on Gaia.

    Gaia have been restarted and should be good again. (for now) :)

    Any plans to fix the problem on a more structural basis than rebooting the server every single night?

    Just at a guess, I would say the Systems team is aware of the issue and is trying to find and fix what is causing the issue. It is not likely to be software as it seems to be only Gaia. Over on Ayvenas we have been perfectly stable. So, for now, the answer is to reboot frequently until a fix is found.

    Wiki.png?version=4b4e55609c0a0a40661789aa561decddBludwyng [The RoM Wiki-Ferret]

    Mithrandyr (Wd/D/S), Bludwyng (W/M), Elbehreth (M/D/S), Giblet (Wk/P/M), Grymjack (K/W), Donaldubh (R/S/P), & Reuxpierre (Ch/M/W), Malcontent (M/R/Wk), Bludborne (W/R), Wikiferret (P/M), Romwiki (M/D/Wd), Kerfuffle (C/M), & Carboncopy (P/Wk) on Ayvenas

    Admin of The RoM Wiki at https://runesofmagic.fandom.com

    Steam profile: Bludwyng

  • Red Hood game is not working properly (Red Hood went missing after starting the game) in Varanas Ch 2 on Ayvenas

    Update: Might be some glitch cause it worked on the second character, but this happened 2 days in a row for the first character to do Red Hood game.

  • My client is stuck on queued since the last update. Can't enter the game, and the update won't trigger. Any ideas why?

  • I had a similar problem. I think it has something to do with Steam. If you have add-ons, move that folder to safe storage somewhere else. Then use the Windows Apps and Features to uninstall ROM. I discovered I had 2 ROM folders. While uninstalling the more recently dated copy, the problem fixed it self. I have a post about that somewhere a week or so back.

  • It's insane how easy it is to bash/insult someone/something when faults such as these can take quite some time to pin down.

    Inferiority Complex - Original wearer of the Snow Combat Drum!

    W/R/K, S/M/R, M/P/W, P/W/S since 2008 on Siochain // M/P/S & W/R/P on Osha

    Everyone's name is better than mine! :(

  • It's insane how easy it is to bash/insult someone/something when faults such as these can take quite some time to pin down.

    Without any kind of progressreports thats what will happen though. It's closing in on two months, do you think this would have gone without any "bashing" if the same would have happened to lets say Blizzard?

    Just a question tho, seeing you consider that small bit Arca said a insult/bash, do you live in a fairytail where everyone hugs eachother?

    Edited once, last by Naysayer ().

  • Hello,

    I am unable to login to any of my characters on the kadmos server, It appears on my list of server, it shows my characters, but I cannot enter the world, Is this a general problem? Is there a fix for it?


  • It's insane how easy it is to bash/insult someone/something when faults such as these can take quite some time to pin down.

    Without any kind of progressreports thats what will happen though. It's closing in on two months, do you think this would have gone without any "bashing" if the same would have happened to lets say Blizzard?

    Just a question tho, seeing you consider that small bit Arca said a insult/bash, do you live in a fairytail where everyone hugs eachother?

    SO what you're saying is "It's okay for me to be rude because other people are rude"?

  • It's insane how easy it is to bash/insult someone/something when faults such as these can take quite some time to pin down.

    Without any kind of progressreports thats what will happen though. It's closing in on two months, do you think this would have gone without any "bashing" if the same would have happened to lets say Blizzard?

    Just a question tho, seeing you consider that small bit Arca said a insult/bash, do you live in a fairytail where everyone hugs eachother?

    SO what you're saying is "It's okay for me to be rude because other people are rude"?

    They are a business, we are the customers. I would clearly say the lack of information and updates is rude behavior towards their customers, us. If we respond in kind we are the mean ones?

    It's like people think gameforge is full of kids and we have to treat them accordingly. But you know what, I doubt gameforge uses childlabor.

  • Heya,

    the current login issues with the GF-Client seem to affect all GF-Server and not only RoM.

    The Login via Steam seems to be not affected by this.

    Rest assured that IT guys are already working on solving them as fast as possible.

    As soon as we get new info, we will update you :)

    Kind Regards



  • Heya,

    even if it's a bit late.

    Everything should be working again and a login via GF-Client should be possible.

    Thank you for your patience and have fun in Taborea :)


  • Server : GAIA

    Zone : Snow Land, christmas event

    Quest : freeing children from the awful Blake Peater !

    As each year for ten years now, after several days or hours, Blake Peater is not here and the quest can't be completed anymore.

    Please check Blake Peater every day...


    Post-scriptum : and debug the process for 2022 event !

    "En vérité la Présence était Rose et en forme de Licorne. Mais si puissante était-Elle, que je ne pus la contempler. Aussi, la nommons-nous la Licorne Invisible Rose ; sa présence est trop incommensurable pour que nos faibles yeux la voient et nos faibles esprits la conçoivent. C'est par notre foi que nous savons qu'Elle est Rose, et qu'Elle est une Licorne. Et vraiment ceux qui disent le contraire sont des hérétiques et des infidèles !"

    Edited once, last by Renovatio ().