AMA with Phelan - VP of Customer Communication

  • Are you aware that for the past 5 years more and more guilds who are able to clear the content are falling apart? You tried to "breathe life into the servers" with merges, but that didn't actually help in the slightest bit.

    ....ﺲﺵﻕﻻﻉﺸﺊ ﮒﮕﭺﺵﻕﻻﻉﺸﺊ....

    I can't remember, if I'm the good twin or the evil one.
    Abwarten und Tee trinken ~ Und wenn das nicht hilft mit der Kanne werfen.

    "if you replace "dias" and "diamonds" everytime it shows up with "cocaine" the posts suddenly make much more sense ... including the intensity of the reactions"

  • We already spent quite a bit money on RoM Marketing (user numbers went up by 80%), and we will continue to do so. Attracting new players to an older Game is not so easy, but I would say that the Steam launch and the accompanying marketing campaign went rather well. That said, word of mouth is one of the strongest tools here. I got our CTO and our VP Product playing the game, and they really like it. If you are behind the game and want it to get more players, tell people about it. Be it offline or online (tell your friends, reviews etc.)

    I work in social media professionally and I'm wondering how the community here can be part of any existing social media marketing strategy you may have for Runes of Magic (or if you don't have any focus on social media marketing, will this be something you explore more as a result of the game now being on Steam)?

    That is, not just players posting about experiences on Runes of Magic on social media like you've mentioned above, although that is certainly a component.
    More specifically: what would be the best way for existing players to interact with your official social media channels to boost any marketing efforts you're doing there?

    As you know, authenticity and transparency has grown in significance for brands on social media. I don't expect that you would tell anyone in the community to falsify anything or mislead potential consumers; there are clearly aspects of Runes of Magic that existing players aren't happy about and we probably won't be hiding that even though it negatively affects brand sentiment and ROI on existing social marketing. But there are aspects of Runes of Magic that we do love (otherwise we wouldn't still be here or veterans wouldn't keep coming back). So, how can we help your marketing teams in a way that is authentic and meaningful?

    (Examples: If your focus is on boosting brand awareness for Runes of Magic, should we quote retweet and share your social posts more often to expand your reach and impressions across our networks? I'm sure we could get at least a few people on board with that.)

    Warden / Warrior / Rogue / Scout / Mage / Druid

    Server: Aeterna (PVE)
    RIP Indigo (PVP)

  • Can certain game parameters be readjusted to improve the gameplay, for e.g. readjust levels, gear stats, instance difficulty, quest requirements etc, to make the game less grind intensive, content more accessible for low budget players and also solve the problem with level 100 cap?

  • Hey Phelan, you really should consider fixing and remaking item shop interface, prices and items now.

    You don't really need magic wand for it, aye? If you do so, i promise, will bring back at least 10 players into game...

    Main: Ralesius

    class: s/r/w/k/m 100/100/100/100/70

    alt: Ralence

    class: wl/ch/r/m/w/p 100/100/100/100/100

    guild: Dragonlords

    country: Serbia

  • Heron

    Closed the thread.