Windows 11 issue

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  • I just did the update on my Win11 laptop. Now, when I try to open an account I get "Windows cannot find 'Client.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." I deleted and reloaded the gameforge and ROM folders and tried again. It did not fix. I ran Repair twice- no change. Any ideas? Maybe I need to move the client.exe somewhere?;(

  • So, does this problem with the GF client have anything to do with the fact that it attempts to activate a .exe that is actually on the web and not our PCs? If so, do we then need to get RW to move some portion of the client onto our hard drive that isn't already?

  • or maybe your path to gfclient isnt same as before can check it as you do with all other shortcut paths...check if desktop of win 10 and win 11 are same or any case its path problem...

  • Hi,

    try to add a system-variable to client.exe.ini. (german-post): how-to-fix client.exe not found

    (enter into search-feld "systemvariable" should lead you to the same windows-app). name of the new variable is same - the entry has to reflect your gamepath

    Have also a look into the file GameSettings.ini in your character-folder (documents\Runes of Magic), if the GamePath-entry is correct.

    have fun,

    Zwergtarkan, Aynara

  • I'm confused.

    "or maybe your path to gfclient isnt same as before update".

    The launcher, which I always assumed IS the gfclient, opens just fine. I can hit <Settings> and open the list of accounts. The accounts themselves don't work.

    "(enter into search-feld "systemvariable" should lead you to the same windows-app). name of the new variable is same - the entry has to reflect your gamepath

    Have also a look into the file GameSettings.ini in your character-folder (documents\Runes of Magic), if the GamePath-entry is correct."

    What search field? And won;t each character have its own folder with its own gamesttings? NONE of them work.

    "right click the exe , select properties , make sure the file is not blocked .

    it should show the path ."

    What do you mean by the exe? when clicking on it in file explorer I already know the path.

    Sorry gang, I am just not following.

  • Also, I did a complete uninstall and reinstall. This was tricky because as soon as I choose "uninstall" from the apps list, Gameforge initiates and runs in the background. Then the uninstaller won't uninstall because it is active. I have to dig through folders and subdirectories looking for everything related to the game and delete them manually.

  • gfclient is just launching client.exe from the install-folder of the game RunesOfMagic...

    When you click on the account, you have on the left the fields "gameaccount", "settings" and "Beta".

    Click on "Settings" - you will see on the right the "Gamepath" (directoy) and "Game Updates"

    Write the Gamepath somewhere down.

    Saving environment variables with the System Control Panel

    In the System Control Panel, you can add or edit existing environment variables in the User and System (Machine) scopes. Windows writes these values to the Registry so that they persist across sessions and system restarts.

    To make a persistent change to an environment variable on Windows using the System Control Panel:

    1. Open the System Control Panel.
    2. Select System.
    3. Select Advanced System Settings.
    4. Go to the Advanced tab.
    5. Select Environment Variables....
    6. Select system .... and click on new
    7. Enter as Name RoM
    8. Click on search and navigate to the folder you've been writing down as gamepath. look for the file "Client.exe.ini", click on it, click open and click on every popUp of "Ok".
    9. you're done.

    close gf-client and reboot the pc.

  • gfclient:// . the launcher , the icon in the start menu programs , right click it , and select properties ... it is likely blocked , unblock it .

    but you say the launcher works ? open the game forge client and install rune of magic ?

    i believe tarkan447 is talking about the file search function . i would not attempt that option unless i had to.

    you can delete the game forge folder and use the uninstall in add remove programs and it will say looks like it already been removed would you like to remove it from the list ? select yes , same for all broken uninstalllers .

    be sure to use disk cleanup and defrag the machine to get all the files in the right places on the drive when you get it working to prevent the heads on the drive from having to jump all over it .

    advanced . ( so you dont crash or burn out a thread ) frees ram , proccessor speed and power. ( generalized )

    turn off the volume shadow copy . (system restore )

    turn off the user account control . ( make sure there is only 1 user account )

    turn off windows defender .

    turn off the av . ( it probably locked your files up and is no good for gaming )

    make sure the power plan is high performance so it does not shut off while plugged in .

    turn off the screen saver . ( it can cause problems )

    download cclean install it clean the registry and uninstall it . ( save the installer in downloads) dont mess around with it ,it can destroy the os . there are three tabs you must not select in its file cleaner section . be very carefull .

    you dont have to do any of that stuff but i would do way more than that .

    its mostly fyi . ( for your information ) smiles ... :)

    Edited once, last by oswayal: the letter t , brought to you by sesame street and the number 7 ().

  • you can delete the game forge folder and use the uninstall in add remove programs and it will say looks like it already been removed would you like to remove it from the list ? select yes , same for all broken uninstalllers .

    Actually, no, I can't. That's part of the weird. When I click on "Uninstall", the GF client opens in the background and can be seen in the task manager under "Background Processes". I can close it from Task manager, but then when i click on "uninstall" again, it activates in the background processes again.

    I had to go to File explorer and uninstall it and all the character profiles that are actually stored in another folder from there and then delete the icon from the desktop.

    I did a c&p with both your suggestions into a word document and printed it out for reference. I will keep you advised.

  • when you decide to delete all---close all gf services or force them to stop...then delete ...then from windows uninstall if something is left...after that you can reinstall game...client has tendency to keep running ,,,,do that after complete shutdown...not restart of Pc

  • when you decide to delete all---close all gf services or force them to stop...then delete ...then from windows uninstall if something is left...after that you can reinstall game...client has tendency to keep running ,,,,do that after complete shutdown...not restart of Pc

    That's the way it's supposed to work, but no it doesn't work that way, at least on on my Win11 Laptop. I closed all GF services, then went to the add/remove apps page in the system management. As soon as I hit delete, it activates the GF uninstaller, which for some reason ativates the entire Gameforge system in the background processes. I go to the task manager and close it. Then, when I click uninstall again, I get the message that it cannot be deleted because it is active. Go back to the task manager, close GF again, rinse and repeat. Everytime I close GF services from the task manager, then hit uninstall, it activates the GF services again. This latest update to 11 seems to be at the root of it.

    Did a complete uninstall from the file explorer. The game seems to be spread out across multiple subdirectories for storing character data and a few other things. It took a while to find it all, but it was ALL clean to the best of my ability. Then I used my browser to find the downloads again and let it run. Stll the same problem.

    I will try the the other two sets of instructions this weekend when I have time to mess with it. Meanwhile, I still have my Win10 gaming PC running at full strength.

  • make sure gf client is not running .

    use the mouse cursor to select computer , select c , select program files x86 and open it .

    scroll down to the game forge folder grab it and drag it to the recycle bin .

    empty the recyle bin .

    go to add remove programs and uninstall it .

    use cclean to clean the registy and uninstall it .

    restart the machine .

    download gameforge client , install it , run it , install runes of magic .

    be sure the antivirus is off during all of this .

    defrag the machine after you uninstall and reinstall large programs .

  • I've read many Germans have had this .exe/win11 issue and fixed it by doing the 'Environment Variables" thing listed above.
    That was something I had to do when launching an offline server of Darkfall, very odd this would be required.

  • cclean is a free registry cleaner , its the only registry cleaner i have ever seen that works , its no joke , its a valuable tool as it allows you to see startup programs and disable or remove them , be sure to uncheck its other programs on install .

    in the search field of your browser type download cclean , make sure its for your operating system .

    i cant stress enough be carefull with that thing as it is a loaded weapon that can destroy your operating system , always uninstall it after use .

    you can skip that step but i would clean the registry beacause new machines do not come cleaned out . ( cached files are normal ) it will seem to rewrite itself , those are the updates and they cannot be removed , but it will fix the errors and windows 11 last two updates for sure messed up its registry .

    its file cleaner section has three tabs you must not select or it will damage your machine and then you would have to figure out how to get it to reload itself from partition .

  • are these steps still a viable fix for the client not found error on windows 11? the odd thing is, i only get the error on some of my accounts and not all of them.