How long shold it take support to reply to an account suspension ticket?

  • I'm not asking for details here, just the sort of time I should expect for a reply from Support. In the past, tickets on other issues have received a very fast reply.

    As an aside, if you are on line when your account gets suspended, don't you get kicked from game? Because, in this case, the account was logged out normally, tried to get back in 15 minutes later and couldn't...

  • Not always, depends on the ban settings. Also have noticed recently tickets taking much longer time to get a reply, was waiting for a week or so before. Friend has currently been waiting 6 days i think with no reply yet.

  • Well, I got a reply but only to tell me I had raised the ticket in the wrong place and had to raise it again under Billing.

    In another aside, how does an account get suspended for "billing issues" in a free-to-play game???