Itemshop is scaled down to 800x600

  • Deleting/Renaming the "thirdparty" folder solves the problem. This forces ROM to use the old version of "wbp.exe" from the "Runes Of Magic" folder which correctly renders the item shop.

  • Deleting/Renaming the "thirdparty" folder solves the problem. This forces ROM to use the old version of "wbp.exe" from the "Runes Of Magic" folder which correctly renders the item shop.

    So apparently the 3rd-party that publishes wbp.exe is the guilty party what broke it.

    Wiki.png?version=4b4e55609c0a0a40661789aa561decddBludwyng [The RoM Wiki-Ferret]

    Mithrandyr (Wd/D/S), Bludwyng (W/M), Elbehreth (M/D/S), Giblet (Wk/P/M), Grymjack (K/W), Donaldubh (R/S/P), & Reuxpierre (Ch/M/W), Malcontent (M/R/Wk), Bludborne (W/R), Wikiferret (P/M), Romwiki (M/D/Wd), Kerfuffle (C/M), & Carboncopy (P/Wk) on Ayvenas

    Admin of The RoM Wiki at

    Steam profile: Bludwyng

  • It's not fix ppl, it's intended to work, they just messed up again...

    Hope we get fix soon, cuz IS rendering looks like playing pang on amiga.....

    Main: Ralesius

    class: s/r/w/k/m 100/100/100/100/70

    alt: Ralence

    class: wl/ch/r/m/w/p 100/100/100/100/100

    guild: Dragonlords

    country: Serbia