Posts by Tam_Cry

    Well, keep calm, GF will fix peak levels, and I'm sure they also will take in consideration the experience already adquired by tens of hours farming and hundreds of daily tickets ofc (:D:D:D:D:D)...

    What's new about it, right?

    You can do solo lots of inis and things, tomb of souls HM at the moment i don't think so, not at all. And in general terms, endgame inis are never at reach to clear them solo, not until arent endgame anymore. If anyone has something different to say i invite you to show us your big... video ;)

    I don't think anyone can solo any ini HM over PoM (lvl 87). CoE is already too much at the moment.

    Yes, they get experiencie as fas as you get experience too, thats why it has to be a lvl 100 ini (or 90+ but it will be less exp of course).

    Edit: Honor group is not meant to work for chars over lvl 30, so if you make it work in some way that can be taken as an exploit. I say "can be taken" cause I don't play in EN servers and is not a writed rule (not explicity anyway), but in Ibergard GMs already said is not allowed time ago, and in general terms it is an exploit and exploits are not allowed in any GF server Game Rules

    You can craft recon rune (or you could do it in the past, i didn't check last 7 or 8 years), but the rune that was always disabled is the Shield rune you need for it. In the past i believe you could get low lvl shield runes from legendary treasure minigame (maybe, i dont remember that much), and almost nobody had recon over lvl V. Now you have it in the IS so thats the cheaper way. Anyway, with 2 recon VIII you should be more than ok with any dd class.

    Oh, i will try it, thanks!

    Edit: Just checked, having both lvl below 40, only the alt with the quest got the title :(

    gracias por tu aporte compañero, muy bueno, ahora por lo menos habrá algunos nuevos personajes que puedan obtener ese titulo, para el resto de nosotros que por unos motivos u otros fallamos a la hora de obtener ese titulo (incluyo el echo extremadamente improbable de que te de critico "que es eso se preguntaran algunos") estaría bien que los gms pusieran un evento o alguna forma de obtener ese titulo, si ya se hizo con anterioridad no puede ser tan dificil repetirlo digo yo.

    No es el único título que se pierde así, pasa que está a la vista. Hay otros títulos ocultos que tienen restricción de nivel o quest: los de Beruda Lize, en abadía, Pasper, uno de altar místico que aparentemente si completaste la misión Conocimiento de los ancestros sin cumplir las demás condiciones en ese momento ya no tienes forma de obtenerlo.

    Los de nivel puede solucionarse con un fruto del olvido, los de quest están perdidos.

    Wanted by the Zurhidon -

    Your character must be level 40 or below and you have to open the secret passageway that leads straight to Razeela and kill her. You must also kill Dorlos within 25 minutes of entering the Mystic Altar dungeon. No one in the party should die during all of the time that they are inside of the dungeon. If they die, just exit the dungeon and reset it to try again. And you should have the quest that requires you to kill dorlos in your quest log. Think the quest is called Knowledge of the Ancestors.

    Hey, so if I already finished that quest I can't get the title? Thats sad :(

    You tried to link your account to Steam? Maybe you have more luck buying trough Steam client (I'm not sure, I never tried, but there is a chance I guess). Otherwise, save your money :)

    Since 2011 to now there has been a few server merges, so most likely your account is still there but your chars are gone (you should find your diamonds there if you had, but nothing else). You can contact support, but i guess they will tell you the same. And about Steam, you can link your old RoM account to Steam from GF client config for that account, or you can just play using GF client.

    En su momento estaba en el foro (obviamente a muchos les pasó), antes que cambiaran el foro. Incluso creo que hubo un evento hace unos años en el que se les completó la misión a los que la habían dejado pasar. Pero sí, la idea de la misión es esa, hacerla en el momento o perderla.

    Despues de unos meses, deje de Jugar, pero tengo dudas sobre los sistemas y objetos de bonificacion, tengo entendido que existen BOLETOS de la ITEM SHOP que propociona acceso a una 2 profesion a lvl maximo en un mismo personaje.

    Alguien lo tiene? cada cuanto salen?

    tambien se han implementado algunas mejoras con la ultima actualizacion del rom, alguien sabe en que afecta?

    Normalmente los ponen en la tienda durante el evento de las artesanías o por esa época. Se pueden tener todas al máximo comprando suficientes boletos. El único detalle es que cuantas más quieras subir, deberás usar secuencialmente varios boletos para que te permita los distintos rangos de la profesión.

    Esa mision te la dan luego de completar unas en Tergothen (no recuerdo exactamente cuál ahora mismo y el server no conecta), que te dicen si quieres ir a Varanas. Si no aceptas ir en ese momento pierdes la oportunidad de hacerla.

    There is a title if you kill it?

    My experience: In other languages you dont have a description for the skills, or for anything elsem, all the loca for this event is broken. I tried to open the client in english, I could do it once and now i have to reinstall the client and the game cause all went crazy and cant enter anymore X/

    Edit: Apparently the install button problem was something general (someone just posted about in another section) and just happens to be at the same time I was messing with the client language, so probably I'm reinstalling the game for nothing :thumbdown: Damn rabbit.