What "wait" time to put in macro? + bow/projectile swap macro needed

  • I'm using a macro for building to my wound damage attack. What wait time should I put between casts? I've seen videos where players have used .1 and some where they used 1. Thanks

    While you're here: do you have a macro or addon that will swap from my bow to projectiles, cast numbing dagger, and swap back to bow?

    Edited once, last by teoteodore ().

  • teoteodore

    Changed the title of the thread from “What "wait" time to put in macro?” to “What "wait" time to put in macro? + bow/projectile swap macro needed”.
  • the "wait" times in macros is based on your ping, higher the ping the more delay in the skills being used the lower the ping the faster, it all depends on your ping .

    to your 2nd quesiton, there was a post on the old forum from bleedingblack

    /script EquipItem(11)

    /script EquipItem(10)

    /use One-Kill-A-Day

    /cast Throw

    /wait .1

    /cast Throw

    /wait .1

    /cast Throw

    /wait .1

    /cast Combo Throw

    /wait .1

    /cast Combo Throw

    /use Runic Thorn

    /use Terrible Omen

  • Jinsoyun

    Closed the thread.