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  • Вопросы по игре. У меня кончились квесты. Некоторые говорят что смотри цепочку(ки) Морока. Смотрел . Все отследил от Северного леса до Рыжих гор. Задания, которые были, выполнил. Остался мутный квест(пока до конца не понятно как его сделать) "Освободи пленников": там убить надо чела на стене.


    Questions about the game. I've run out of quests. Some say look at Morok's chain(s). Watched . I tracked everything from the Northern Forest to the Red Mountains. I completed the tasks that were given. There remains a murky quest (it is not yet completely clear how to do it) “Free the prisoners”: there you have to kill the guy on the wall.

    Места надо знать!!!

  • You collect and stack boxes against the wall by the target. Then you jump on the boxes. I think you get the boxes from a young child in that area. There is also a quest with 4 torches and you have to get them all off at the same time. Test different combinations until you find the right way to do it.