Posts by Bakken

    I just can't get over how it was added...

    -One line posted
    -Posted in maintenance, no news or announcements
    -In the middle of the week, not with a patch or even maintenance
    -Nothing else with it, is this our next 'cap'? lol
    -Doubles the peak goal that was halved negating any fix...

    I can't believe how unprofessional this management has been recently

    So, these permanent mounts, how does one get one since the Red Moa is Broken still after a Decade? I am just coming back anew. Thanks in advance~ Sindaria

    There's a couple 'free' ones you can get.

    One of the festivals with the ribbons you can farm to get the Flame Beast Horn(easist free mount) or one of the hippogriffs perm.

    There's also the Draconaris mounts if you get all newborn/adult/legendary dracos you get perm mounts.

    Some festival reward boxes also have a chance of perm mounts/pets, crafting is currently a pet but also give lots of temp mounts.

    you can get by on mounts from Boulderwind Village/OS for tokens/mems till anything perm

    I want to know whats up with only ever boosting drop by 100% anymore.
    There used to be like 500% drop events, as stated in this thread it doesn't effect a while lot...

    same with exp, since peak has it ever been over 100%? lol
    It could be 50% but we're all used to better then this.

    As annoyed as us NA players are I can't imagine how mad I would be to be one of the Europeans that was clearing with pets. There was a lot of speculation that they only closed and fixed this finally because the German players were in uproar(apparently Germans don't have wardens or something) and immediately opening the instance after changing pets and nothing else completely confirms that lol

    Gameforge has already dug a hole deep enough for it's grave and it just keeps digging.

    I personally have 5 classes and 4 of them on 100 level.

    So, if you only had two classes, how much TP would be on that one secondary class. The rea; problem is that the game is not well laid out for mulltiple classes on one toon. You can get TP from grinding and dailies, sure, but the majority of it comes from quests until you reach level cap, and the TP awarded reaching each level fal farther and farther short. Then at level cap you can actually start building your TP pool up to level all the skills.

    There aren't enough quests to support 3 classes effectively, let alone 5 or more. If you quest during point bonus events, and we all do, then that TP deficit gets even worse. in 2018 I took a c/r from 76/76 to 100/100 during Christmas bonus event. I still haven't had the time to go back and pick up all the quests I left behind, and he struggles with great gear but lousy skill levels.

    both my main chars have all 6 classes all 100, questing during exp events is what kills your tp recent events have been giving out more then 2x the tp:xp if you grind instead.
    And if any of you know me you know I don't group up with people to level my other sides. I also am f2p I don't use daily tickets.
    Knowledge is power in this game for sure you gotta have all the pets buffs and junk and know how to farm efficiently.

    So even with 5 other classes at 100 my champ still has 1.3b unspendable TP which is the topic here. There should be something to do with this instead of just building to infinity

    It is really stupid to see a billion tp you literally can't use while your other classes are struggling to max the general skills.

    With peak now as well it's just going to get worse and worse I hope they add something to do with it.

    idk how simple all that stuff is when they can't even figure out how to make accuracy work with peak levels.

    Best idea imo is revamping older content. Do we need another new zone that won't be touched again after that cap? Do we really? I'd rather a new higher level area in dragonfang or something and it would be less work for the devs.

    The game honestly has these systems in place they just don't give enough for anyone to give a damn. The title system and card collection. Imagine if titles/cards actually gave relevant stats(like 10x currently) people would start actually playing the game doing the quests etc.

    An evil eye is for sale after all this time? Surely someone read this thread lol
    Imma get those sirloth wings for 50 rubies though that's a rare one, just need the arm and big statue then.

    How about that "new" cash shop costume that's just the full evil dragon set from kalin shrine.... Come on guys...

    I asked them on forum in 3 languages (english, german and polish) after pantheon closure why they didn't release peak levels before Chassizz and still got no answer.

    I don't believe for a second that pantheon was supposed to be cleared with over peak 5. They screwed up the accuracy formula, didn't realize you can't just over buff accuracy to overcome level difference, and are now trying to save face saying it was intended.

    I'm going to throw out a bit of a controversial opinion here-

    I just got peak last week coming back to game and I measured about 9m xp/h in IBP no house bonus during 2x exp.
    That's peak level 2 in under 15hours at that rate. Granted that's 2x exp and zodiacs etc but there's actually lots of buffs I don't have like bigos/choccake/Gmelon etc.

    That's still a hell of a grind but not this months and months and months just for 2 that people keep saying.

    The peak level system IS broken currently and everyone has the right to be mad the instance is closed and everything. The current peak quests are also ridiculous from just kill 1 lv3 bear to do ST/ToS normal...
    But I actually like the base idea behind peak of having a longterm endgame that's not gear/money based for a change. You could just buy stacks of daily tickets but I think I may farm faster for free lol

    How many patches do you guys keep wanting to just max level within an hour then only have 1 relevant instance to run over and over and over again till next patch to do the same? They screwed up but I'm happy they're changing it up.

    I was confused when I read this as well.
    OBVIOUSLY instances released with new levels is meant to be done with the new levels like every patch ever since the beginning for every MMO ever.

    If Gameforge is actually trying to say NOW that Pantheon wasn't supposed to be even done with peak 5 but peak 10+ or some junk, they never said it anywhere or even hinted to it in the slightest over all these months, and if even so why was it not available to even do so?

    Here's the coding facts for this issue.

    Level difference is a different accuracy calculation then regular accuracy. You can't just over buff regular accuracy to compensate for this... This is exactly what they tried to do with the peak system and it seems they have no idea why it's not working...

    Any Dev please read this.

    never seen this framed evil eye can you tell us more about it

    Was just some random sale they had like 6 years ago at least and never sold it again.

    same deal with 2 pieces I know are missing- sirloths arm and the big statue of sirloth

    oh and I never mentioned anywhere I have the recipes and crafted every one of these :)

    well watching last effort with the peak levels and pantheon, one week is just lol if same speed we are seeing it born next year earliest :)

    btw Runes of Tavern exists and is very handy in mean time

    I think most people should probably go to this.
    I'd rather be on a player hosted something anyway that every 2nd post doesn't get edited/removed if it's slightly negative.
    You could talk about current bugs and issues that they won't allow here.