Posts by Terrag

    nice. read the complet answer ! ..answer to ppl who are gate keepers. but hey. you are right. like allways.

    Why does it matter who are peaps? Gate keepers, fighters, farmers all are eaqual if you dont think so then you have some problems. Same as all are eaqual humand beings be it if you have t15 gear or t5 quest gear. But its only my poin of view.

    This discussin is not about who said what or insults. Its about how to make SW more playable for all.

    One way thinking is not working.

    Nero you dont read at all? No sense for you but there is for them.

    Also what point to ask selfcentred geared players how they do, if they think that they are something higer.

    But they arnt.

    That the problem with thees top guilds. And then they wonder why they fell apart. Only big sws keep them together.

    You didnot ansver can you carry lower guild to tops without other geared guys?

    I could even make a bet.

    1 gold cap to anyone who can leave his top sw guild and carry 1-2k guild to tops without cheats. Like afk sws or midnight sws. Pure brutal 20.00 all recorded for proof.

    Show me best player here. Like literaly pvp god. From any top guild who thinks he is pro.

    We then arange his transfer to other. You cant take your friends with you nor your healers. Just your char and your skill.

    Who is up?

    Fun can mean diferent things. One can get fun fighting all sw while other geting fun even from defending. As Cenre said 1 shot is not fun at all.

    Also often it seems like moust want one type of SW. And argue about how defending with gate alts is low or why they dont gear up and fight, how its not fun just to wait outside and more.

    I always say let players play game like they want. Why would anyone would want to point how to play or what to do in game. If you dont like one or other guild tactics just dont join sw if you get this guild in pairing.

    And its not only about sw. I often see how many trys to infulence players. Telling them how to play, what to do with thier class, gear, loot, money.

    Let people play like they want and can!

    Think this way. What you will do in if you would be in that lower guild and fighting vs Top guild. Would you skip sw and afk at roof? But again you can get quit often strong oppos so roof party for 5 sw in a week? Or try to do something even fcap at end?

    Is it fun to roof 50% of sw?

    Or would you leave the guild and join other, yet you want to play with friends.

    Can anyone who crys about that not geting fights join to lower guilds and solo carry them to tops? Can anyone do it without 8 geared guys on your side?

    I bet none can!!!!!

    So situations is very diferent. Top guilds see it moustly from one point while others moustly just trying to survuive.

    So lets stop talking about how to make sw quicker. Insteed lets talk how to make it fightable for more players around here.

    Strangely ch/m gate hold dont realy change SW top points.

    Top guilds still there. Havenot seen gate alt guild been on top for a while. Ofc there is time when you lose to 4-6 tower fcap. But there is no guild who can pull in constantly.

    If they do then they deserved it cause it need good cordination.

    And to hold gates also not easy thees days even with invisible ch./m. Oppos just flame tower outside and gg or camp at gates and tab anything that comes close.

    Unbr have good idea to use cata +ch/m to not get alts killed. Thats one solution, but i wonder how it works vs flame tower spam.

    Thing is there is many ways to play and that some says sw is cool only when you power fight all sw is wrong. Who says that oppos must be even seen. Hell just hold gates, go all rogues and dont kill single oppo but fcap when ever you think is needed. That would only make pvp gears useless if they cant find you :D. And im sure ch/m + fcap is not cause they dont wana fight. But moustly cause there is no chanse. We all want to win.

    To realy fight strong guilds you cant duo them not even trio. So you need good groups of geared players to fight off like Noc, Thunder or some others.

    For example last sw vs Noc. We got like 1 mid geared pvp ch/m+ p/k +p/r (k.m or r/d). Well we got 3-4 not bad geared for frontlines vs 12 very good geared players. So what are the odds?

    Other example is Divinity. They have very good geared players t15 weps and so. Good pvp clases, X buildings and exp in sws. Yet they are not many thees days and that leads to that they not at Top also anymore.

    Also I kinda would want to get mercenary thing back. Thing when you could join 1h till sw and fight in that. Cause now only TOP sw guilds can give free chars to other guys or from other servers to play to boost thier frontlines.

    All discusions about ch.m gate guarding is only cause all wana finish things faster or easier and then wait rest of hour till all server finish sw to do some runs :D.

    To summup. If guild wana hold gates let them. If you strong enough or skilled to break in vs many and p.wl go for it. If not why bother just trap hard and P/R towers.

    Ch/m gate holds not ruining sw. As i wrote to earlier some class fix would do way more then making tricky strats vs ch.m.

    Curently I need to play specific class in sw just to counter wls. I cant play other combos cause those would have no chanse. And its sad :(.

    Wanted to say thank you to event makers. I think overall event was big succes. Im sure many staked nice xp /tp/drop foods, farmed many +20 jewels and plused some items.

    Thanks event was fun. :)

    Ch/m buff can be outdmged. Often geared players full buff and outdmg that buff easily or they just kill gate holder inside. P/wl ofc can heal gate to max. But take in mind someone must operate all thees chars. Be it alts or real players they still must be whatched over. So that part is alright.

    Curently biger problem is dots but also they kinda needed vs k/m or other otherwise imune classes. But dots just do too much curently. Like all rogues mainly use bleed dot iss now. All they do is buff and put this iss. Vamp arrows and r/d aoe dot is also too strong. Ever got hit by 180k dot? All you can do is stak hp vs that. Oky r/d or other rogue wouldnot be too bad if they when put dot dont leave combat. Thees days they put dot and goes in hide in 1s and that not only when using escape or other rogue skill. Some rogues flashing around in and out like no tomorrow. All that happing in intense fight. Seems r.m have some doge based escape. But its not only r./m So dots + rogue flashing should be fixed.

    I would sugest class fix. Warlocks do also too big dmg and with mobility + heals, controls, shields and imunes are too owerpowered. They do insane dmg. Class is jut plain broken. Even with very high magical defence wl dark dmg with all iss just cuts like butter.

    Want better sw? Fix wls.

    New sw rewards would bring more action. Something realy usefull.

    And boost some pvp ingame also.

    Also Guild wars should be alowed like 30 min per day. Its fun feature and to see it as harasment thing is wrong.

    So fix guild war so it can be either acepted or declined.

    But surprise guild wars are so more fun.

    Arena reward change would be nice too. Its outdated and useless.

    We need some more action in game rather then farm inis and do dailys.

    Also as other mentioned why maze is not solo? What benefit it gives to run with 10x other guys where its hard to find chests even when there is no players.

    So event makers can give any insight on this?

    Not evrything drops seeds. Well anything none elite mob drops it. Try ibp or tos and there drop rate is very poor. While it can be perfect place to farm them.

    Also why some mobs drop 2 seeds others dont?

    Buffed all drop buffs I had and it took maybe 2-3h to get 20 red seeds. And I was none stop running. So im sure loot buffs maybe increase seed drop by few % only.

    For example. How many mobs are in ST till b1? Some runs i killed evrything there and got 1 or very rare 2 red seeds.

    So I need to do 150x runs to get some reward? Hell even on plvl you wouldnot get so many run count.

    I suggest start drop event straight away and we see if it insta fix to this seed drop problem.

    Whats with drop rates on seeds? They drops almoust less then earth essences from Hall of earth. Full buffed with max drop rates buff and cant get decent drop on seeds?

    So explain please drop rate on this or its realy ussles thing.

    Also how much seeds vs coupons? If i farm 4-5h 20 seeds and will get only 1 coupon I will be mad as hell.

    Overall nothing to bother with drop rate like this.

    You would better give us proof event then this. Idea ofc is nice but what with drops?

    Why cant they drop like wind coins?

    Streams for ROM players will watch moustly if you are endgame streamer. SW, real time inis, guild banter maybe arenas or some farming.

    Of if you talk intresting. If you could survuive till endgame then there you could prob get some views.

    Hi, was wondering about model folder. Is it legal to use any modifications to game folders to reduce lags or other advantages?

    Like in old days when champs juts came up, aoe lags were disconecting entire raids. So i heard that there was model folder that can disable that kinda of animations.

    Or i just saw in sw video where player dont see champ shield form skin. I im sure when i played sw I saw big robots fighting with each other but on other player vids is small guys. So what kinda effects can be changed or reskined? Can it be with right modification you can see rogues in invisible. Just with this model folder like take hide effect of same like champ shield animation.

    Also its quit an advantage when someone using it. Often im using transform pot to reduce champ gigantic shield animation. So it takes 1 buff spot and it can lead to overbuff while other guy use folder and all good.

    Also i think there should be like somekinda legality chek or cheat check when you enter for example SW. Like only certain things, addons alowed in there and that it. To make all more equal. Or addons made by gameforge and not by some random guy. Who now can be big step ahead of others which are not addons makers or dont have a clue about any kind of coding.

    Also when item set skill staking will be fixed? Like knight iss staks, im sure some other clases can stak iss too even its not mean to be by game developers. That makes players to go for bugged clases to get advantage and so you can see top sw is 5x vs 5x hiting each other by 3k or even for 0 for half sw.

    But mainly is model folders legal to use?

    Also are buff alt folder or what ever is called is legal? Again is so funny that its all aloved and its not widely available?

    Like for some who dont know. In SW players use alts to make them stronger. Often highend guilds use autobuff staff macros or dunno how it call. Which buff player when its close in certain range or anyother kinda. If its only macro would be np. But some includes serious game folder changes. Again is it legal?

    If its not why its alowed to use for so long time? Like literaly years of game. If its legal why its not available for more guys so other can auto buff too or disable animations or anyother staff that makes some things fast, easier, powerfull.

    Any insight?

    Ty for Sw Divinity. I didnot know that now Divini so low that started to use fearcaps.

    And ofc other staff of which was used was not nice but oky.

    No more sportmanship in Divinity :(.

    BOOm Boom powaa :D

    Ch/p good supourt, tank. Can be playd as tank if skilled, some play even as healer at sw.

    But moustly as dmg buffer and oftank.

    Ch/wl almoust none plays it. Newer saw anyone in runs. Its alright can heal himself and have some fun machingun type rage skill and that sucks. Cause then you must choose either you keep aoe running or use that 2x dmg skill.

    So ch/r still comes at top on anything. Can be dps with aoe running none stop and fast rune pulse, also best aggro as tank. If ch/r tanks you can be sure that you can go full dps and that adds will be taken care off.

    All depends of ini and your gear and what spot you want to play.


    ch/w- high def unit tank oftank at best.

    ch/wl - hybrid or dps kinda usless combo.

    Ch/m - best ingame dmg burst if all supourt. Pro sw combo. Solo guilds.

    ch/r- best sustain dps, high paatk, spam skill, infinite aoe. Also best aggro tank.

    Ch/r goes with 1h hammer + fastest dager you can find. Curently lvl 50 kilber dager have 1.4 attack speed. With that dagger your aoe at boss will newer stop. Even in dps form aoe will be running and rune pulse acticates very often. Also extra stats on offhand helps.

    2 hand wep ofc do abit more dmg but in curent endgame is all about sustain.


    Just wanted to ask about plusing as we all.

    I just spent between 10-15k dias to try pluss my 100 lvl wep.

    And max i got was +24. Actualy on first trys was +26 then it droped to +21 and then 10k was max +24.

    I realy wonder how much guys spending to get +30? Anyone pls pm me with amount so i know, maybe need work overtimes to get +30.

    I was f2p play till this year and kinda wanted to supourt Rom and bought some dias with real money.

    I even made video :D Its just sad.

    So question is there bad jewels and good ones and can we get like real guide how to pluss proper. Cause it shouldnot be like this were all your efforts is just waste. Ofc i understand is random and i dont need to go higer.

    Actualy this made me want quit.

    Any insights and your exp welcome :)