Coin of Wind

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  • it was never my intention to offend anyone, was only giving few insights people maybe wouldnt think about straight away.

    Of course I think about it. Eventually, I will be able to solo first boss. That's why I started leveling my c/r. It can quest easier and farm easier than my other toons. I just don't have him geared all the way yet.

  • Hey Grump, are you on the Ayvenus server? If so what is the name of the toon that you wish to gear up and when will you be online next? Maybe I can help get you geared up better. I have quite a few stats in a vault. They are not the best but some are worth using. They will not all be the same like every kind of Matk/Int or Patk/str. There are some of those but not enough to make you all OP . Being that I play as a loner, I use a bit of everything because I don't have healers backing me up so my stats are not pure attacker or pure anything, just a mix of stats so that I can stay alive long enough to have a chance to kill tougher things. I will gladly GIVE you any stats that you think will help you .... yes for free.

    I can craft Level 100 of everything gearwise cloth, leather, chain, plate and weapons if you need something till you get what you are ultimately looking for. Yes for free.

    I have some runes in a vault that I can give you if they will help also.

    I have several mirror world mats to help you build your cenedrils up if you are doing that. Yes free.

    I'd be glad to help you anyway I can... yes for free. I ain't taking any of this stuff to heaven with me so let me know what toon and when. I'll check back several times today and we will get together if possible.

    Talk to you later

  • Jak- yes. I play on Ayvenas. My primary is Grrummpy, but I am content to gear up it at my own pace. Thanks for the offer, though.

    Once again, I am going to remind everyone that this original post was intended to give feedback to Gameforge, not to start a discussion. Maybe one of the GMs can close the thread. It has long since outworn its intended purpose.

  • Well I should have bet on it !

    Trying to enter New Pantheon easy, red message in french :

    " La population de cette zone a atteint sa limite maximale "

    which i can approximatively translate into english :

    " The population of this area as reached its maximum limit "

    Welcome for fun and relax. How predictable are you GF ! It is hopeless !

    "En vérité la Présence était Rose et en forme de Licorne. Mais si puissante était-Elle, que je ne pus la contempler. Aussi, la nommons-nous la Licorne Invisible Rose ; sa présence est trop incommensurable pour que nos faibles yeux la voient et nos faibles esprits la conçoivent. C'est par notre foi que nous savons qu'Elle est Rose, et qu'Elle est une Licorne. Et vraiment ceux qui disent le contraire sont des hérétiques et des infidèles !"

  • They had a POM event in HotO several years ago. I always ran it in the middle of the night, because it was always jammed. Every party that goes in triggers a separate channel. There is a limit to how many of these channels the server can support.