Log-In Server down again?
Sorry, just saw, another maintenance is upon us.
Log-In Server down again?
Sorry, just saw, another maintenance is upon us.
Since I have added my accounts into this launcher, I crash so frequently, its often no fun trying to play!!
GF: Sort it out for heaven's sake!
And now i cannot log on with my second account!!!
What is going on?
If you want to lose players, just say so
And when is this going to start ... and how long does one have to "change over"?
And is there going to be anybody online to help as fast as possible when things go wrong (again)?
Is there a trial period to see if this launcher is buggy or not?
and what happens if it is and we lose our accounts?
Answered too fast: Ablutions guy disappeared since this morning - Varanas, Chan 1
All ok now, thank u
Now Logging In is no longer possible.
Idun partially offline ... particularly Xaviera. Pls restart .. thank you and .. good morning
The 10th Anniversary of RoM is over.
I would like to thank GF and all who helped make this an extra long celebration with plenty of goodies being shared out.
So ... Thank you! It was a great month!!!
Yes, thank u very much
I could also log in with the char stuck in Heffner!
Much obliged
oh, yes, whenever i try entering heffner, it not only fails, but i usually get kicked out of game
why doesnt a GM ask ingame about heffner
then u get more response than there
I cannot go to heffner
another account of mine is actually in heffner and i cannot log into it with her
my guild mates all warn of staying clear of heffner,
i tried to use snoop from obs, from varanas etc. Heffner is not reachable
Cannot log into IDUN
other servers are ok
Could Chrysalia on IDUN pls be reset? Bug in "Battlelines on the Brink" stop getting on with lvling
thank u!
Cannot log in. Servers down?
Sorry, after 10th attempt it worked. One must be persistent with this game
Mhmm ... mindestens einen Schokokeks
Die Reinigungskraft hat den Staubsauger angeschlossen
yes, i get that far, then "connection lost"
since 3-4 hrs, nobody can say i didnt warn them
I still cannot log on
Cannot relog, log in, etc