Posts by Cannonball


    Und hier liebes DE Team.. können sie sehen wie sich der Spieler um den es hier geht lustig drüber macht

    You know why? You can only laugh about what is happening, not only here.

    A lot of writing about me, All this well-invented or worse lies.

    You have no idea about the game itself and You are Talking too much, this can be only funny.

    Best of all? A lot of Players here still using same bugs, cheats, and some of screamers specially slow down the Internet, Or they do something else to make them "laggy" on the server side.

    But better to cry on one Player, me, because I succesfull cap Tower at the end normally, only using skills xD

    My reputation? I dont care, i have very good reputation and i like it. Enemy Just surrender at the end, even with information still is same xD

    BTW i saw all movies. Nice job people, I remembered how wars looked a few years ago.

    All this can be easily destroyed with simple logical arguments.

    We see each other on the tower, or under it, or near it if it's possible:*

    but we all know... this is not real life and underground doesnt exist or perhaps gameforge created subway? You must check it!

    ::Meldung bearbeitet ~ Diogenes::