Chrysalia quests mising or not available ?

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  • Title:

    A list of quest from chrysalia quest zone that i cant do, but are on available quest


    1. Maintaining Battle Capacity [74]

    2. Kill them all [74]

    3. Intense Strike [74]

    4. Stomp It [74]

    5. Stand amoungst the corpses [74]

    6. Beacon on a bloody path [74]

    7. Pushback [74]

    8. Suprize attack [74]

    9. The truth behind the kulech myrmex attack [74]

    10. Sacrifice [74]

    11. Healer's Heart [72]

    12. Accidental Reception [72]


    Healer's Heart (public) -> the public quest has no quest giver anymore at all. I'd say this quest has been removed.

    Accidental Reception (public) -> the public quest has no quest giver anymore at all. I'd say this quest has been removed.


    1-6. Quests are done on normal, dayly once but the PUBLIC QUEST is mising from npc Evan Wright

    7-8. Quests are done on normal , public once but the DAYLY QUEST is mising from npc Woston

    9. Cant find Corpse Sample on map

    10. Cant find or drop True Dragon Scale, dayly , public same. This is last title from zone so mising ( 2 title mising )

    11-12. Quests are done on normal, dayly once but the PUBLIC QUEST is mising from npc Siffan Londongs







    This question was ask on old forum for solution and answers but, no more on new forum

    So no treath about quest list that are block or remove

  • Rathesungod

    Changed the title of the thread from “Chrysalia quests mising or not avaible ?” to “Chrysalia quests mising or not available ?”.
  • There's some issues with the keyitem requirements for the public and/or daily quests in Chrysalia that we never were really able to solve ... nowadays we can extract more info so let's give it a go again ...

    425317 Stomp It! (regular) should give you 546918 and 546920 on completion.

    Maintaining Battle Capacity (Daily) requires 425319 Standing Amongst the Corpse and 546920. It gives 546919 and disables 546920.

    Kill them all (Daily) requires 425319 and 546918. It gives 546917 (and disables 546918)

    Intense Strike (Daily) requires just 546917 and gives 546918 again, so Kill them all and Intense Strike daily work only in turns.

    Maintaining Battle Capacity (Public) requires 425319 Standing Amongst the Corpse and 546986. It gives 546985 and disables 546986.

    546986 is obtained by completing 425345 "Stomp It! (Public)" ...which requires 546985.

    546985 is obtained by completing Maintaining Battle Capacity (Public) ...but I see no entry point into that loop.

    1-6 all belong to the same "block" around Standing Amongst the Corpses and the public quests take turn with their requirements. Completing one opens the next and so on .... I see no entry into that loop yet.

    Surprise Attack <> Pushback public require completing each other to get the condition for each in turn .... no entry into the loop ?

    (Pushback needs 546990 and gives 546989 on completion ... Surprise Attack needs 546989 and gives 546990 on completion... )

    Side node: My head hurts. I guess that would be the problem for the other quests too. The keyitems, not my head.


    The Truth Behind the Kulech Myrmex Attack all non-regular variants require the regular completed and a corpse sample each. The corpse sample remains the problem


    Healer's Heart (public) -> the public quest has no quest giver anymore at all. I'd say this quest has been removed.

    Accidental Reception (public) -> the public quest has no quest giver anymore at all. I'd say this quest has been removed.

    (Usually every quest has a giver but the taker can be empty, then giver=taker. Without a giver though, there is no way to ever get this quest.)

    [This user speaks English on a near native level.]

    [This user speaks German on a native level.]

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    In the beginning the Universe was created.

    This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    Trust me, I'm an engineer.....with epic skill and epic gear

  • it is possible to to do all quests in myrmex area and to end...but you need time...normal..daily and public quests all use same mobs and need be rotated few times to complete just 1 quest...thing is if you play in that area you use mobs from same players on map and if you start some event until you finish it other players cant restart it...thats why more zone restart is needed...

    example: you will find more corpse to incinerate if you do rotation of public..daily quests and kill them and use them for normal quests...if you need kill destroyers and you see only 1 you need wait server reset ( or more of them )...

    last quest for title need dragon---he can spawn on few spots ..but can be easy used by accident by other players... or eat by myrmex...

    ...corpse sample remains ..stay on ground .... must be picked up...

    let say you take Q with killing...then incinerating...then remains...if you lucky after 100

    right dailys you get enough to complete it...

  • dray_on_forum are you talking about the public quests which seem inacessible or about the remaining normal quests OP is missing?

    For the public event quests, I can't seem to find the entry point since the quests requirements are literally set up like this:

    quest A requires quest C and keyitem1.

    quest B requires quest C and keyitem2.

    you get keyitem1 from quest B and it disables keyitem2.

    you get keyitem2 from quest A and it disables keyitem1.

    (so once you're in it works in turns, but where's the entry since you will never be able to accept either quest without obtaining either keyitem1 or keyitem2)

    [This user speaks English on a near native level.]

    [This user speaks German on a native level.]

    [This user can curse in a variety of languages.]

    In the beginning the Universe was created.

    This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    Trust me, I'm an engineer.....with epic skill and epic gear

  • thing is few npcs alternate quests ( 2 or 3 of them ) you cant get every time all quests

    and you cant get 100 % drop of requested item on each must be done in few rotations...server reset help the way it put all mobs on map no matter you need them or not...but heres one of problem : theres AI of some mobs fighting each other and they vanish from map quickly...

    only area where quest are messed in way you cant get rotation is in Altar where memory quests cant recreate itself..--i guess way back if we followed proper order this quests maybe also finished but its custom to take 5-6 quests and kill everything around...this cant work in crysalia

    its not easy and it cant be done need multiple days of DQ and server reset...

  • Yes, I know. My point is for some quests this seems entirely impossible until there is an entrypoint somewhere else into the loop (which I haven't found yet).

    Okay, shorter:

    How do you obtain Maintaining Battle Capacity (Public) ? :P

    [This user speaks English on a near native level.]

    [This user speaks German on a native level.]

    [This user can curse in a variety of languages.]

    In the beginning the Universe was created.

    This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    Trust me, I'm an engineer.....with epic skill and epic gear

  • tested few min ago...if you can take that public from Evan..not shure if its in rotation..go to 53 49 ( entrance to battlefield ) but not Evan side----theres few Alliance war attacked by mobs...kill mobs...and q done...kill red one for this not yellow i think

  • Dray's info is on how to get all the possible quests in Chrysalia. It doesn't cover how to get at the ones that have never been accessible, I think. The OPs list includes quests (like Sacrifice) that are accessible.

    Mind you, if it does cover quests that were previously thought to be inaccessible, then it explains why the top quest completers seem to have 10 or so more quests completed than the max I can get to.

  • main rule is normal then DQ then public so if you cant see PQ you must do DQ before...but here is catch...






    normal ( but to finish normal you must do DQ from above )

    DQ .....same thing



    becouse Q1 and Q2 can be in rotation after you enter DQ you will need more steps to finish it...

    and BTW Stomp IT ! require Destroyers they can have bad respawn and need map reset..depend of day and luck...i got them fast today...

    It can help with drop items if you play in Honor party ...

    I cant quite remember but some of Evan quests can alternate with guy above him or

    at least items from his quests are needed for Evans

  • then it explains why the top quest completers seem to have 10 or so more quests completed than the max I can get to.

    y..thats true...if i finish all rest i have i can enter top 10 (i force myself that every 20 lvls when i find time for public Q )..but i cant do all simply cos some Q were unique ,,some buged then deleted..and to be honest some required jumping as in platform game....

    now this days is good to leave some quests for 6th class.. to avoid repeating quests

  • The only deleted quest I never completed was the Zelkenrys daily in MT. As far as I know, that is true for Radioooooo and Fifio as well.

    According to quest state, the quests I am missing in Chrysalia around the Battleground are Publics and these have never been accessible to my knowledge.

  • and why is not normal

    normal quest => dayly quests (do once to open) => public quest (permanent available)

    quuest 1 => quest 2 => quest 3 => reset quest 1

    quest 1 public permanent available after you do dayly quest once

    the cycle must be start from one quest NO

  • its not normal cos game developer try something new...and it failed in implementation...btw there was similar type of quests even on Redhill map with galidun metal..and so on...theres more quests that need DQ later in game...

  • Coming back to this... any advice about the dragon for the quest Sacrifice? You know if it has some particular time to spawn? I remember it was discussed in the old forum but i can't find it (and I'm not sure there was any useful info there anyway).

    Crycry R/M/Wd/W/S/D

    Grümpy Wl/Ch/M/P/R/W

    Just an old and humble legend :)

  • The old forum information was useful for it.

    It has 4 spawn points, and when it does spawn it can sometimes bug.

    Bug 1) either the mobs requried are not spawned alongside the dragon

    Bug 2) If you one shot the mobs required you won't get the item and the dragon will just despawn.

    As for timer, not 100% sure how it works, have heard many different theories over the years but never bothered to look.

  • The old forum information was useful for it.

    It has 4 spawn points, and when it does spawn it can sometimes bug.

    Bug 1) either the mobs requried are not spawned alongside the dragon

    Bug 2) If you one shot the mobs required you won't get the item and the dragon will just despawn.

    As for timer, not 100% sure how it works, have heard many different theories over the years but never bothered to look.

    Agree with this. It spawns pretty regularly on one of the four spots (might even be once per hour) but is bugged so often. Therefore very hard quest to complete.

  • Oh thanks, i found it twice today but couldnt get the item for the quest, i will try not to kill them so fast.

    Edit: I found it five times today:






    (all server time)

    I guess the 1 hour +/- the usual 30% window might be right, or maybe i'm missing another spawn in the middle, or maybe something else. Still no true dragon scale, but I'll keep trying tomorrow i guess.

    Crycry R/M/Wd/W/S/D

    Grümpy Wl/Ch/M/P/R/W

    Just an old and humble legend :)

    Edited once, last by Tam_Cry ().

  • Ok, took me 11 tries in the last 24 hs but i finally got it. Now i need a couple more for de daily nd public quests XD

    Crycry R/M/Wd/W/S/D

    Grümpy Wl/Ch/M/P/R/W

    Just an old and humble legend :)

    Cenre and Fifio like this.