Четвертый класс/Fourth grade

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  • Как включит четвертый класс персонажа? Имеющийся аддон ClassExchangeHelper v1.6 позволяет показать взаимные изменения между тремя классами, а вот с четвертым "засада". Что делать?


    How do I enable the fourth character class? The existing addon ClassExchangeHelper v1.6 allows you to show mutual changes between three classes, but there is an ambush with the fourth. What to do?

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  • Да расширять ничего не нужно. Аддон не показывает 4й класс.


    Yes, nothing needs to be expanded. The addon does not show the 4th grade.

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  • this addon gives you only a more fancy ui for the class exchange... it won't give you a new class. when you've used the Class Maximum Expansion Ticket, you have to select a class in varanas (or in morfanas when you're a dwarf)

    you can see in your character info (c) which classes you have an how many more you can learn (usually it tells you something like "3/4" or "2/2")

  • Three images say more than words:

    "A" = Number of classes, which you have already learned.

    "B" = Number of classes, which you are allowed to have.

    Using this item increases the number at "B":

    The instructors can teach you a new class, which increases the number at "A":